Mikhail (Mike) Dereviannykh is a specialist in graphics and deep learning, with a focus on direct and inverse online and offline rendering. He graduated in 2021 with a BS in Software Engineering from HSE University, earning scholarships for his achievements in programming tournaments. His undergraduate research explored 3D convolutional neural networks for predicting real-time radiance fields in game development. His bachelor thesis, "Spherical Gaussians Radiance Volumes For Production Real-time Rendering," is under review for publication.

In 2022, Mikhail began a Master's program but transitioned directly to a PhD in 2023 at the KIT Institute for Visualization and Data under Prof. Dr. C. Dachsbacher. He is researching differentiable rendering, neural networks for real-time rendering using tensor cores, and the connection of rendering with generative image models. His paper on path-guiding in real-time path tracing was accepted at Eurographics in 2022.

From 2015 to 2017, Mikhail was the main programmer for the mobile game "Hungry Jump" with "WellDone Games." In 2018, he joined Eagle Dynamics as an R&D Graphics Engineer for the DCS World AAA gaming simulator. By 2021, he was promoted to Senior Graphics R&D Engineer, completing the VFX Damaging System project and exploring real-time AI global illumination and rendering optimizations

To contact Mikhail Dereviannykh, reach out via Telegram @Mishok43 or email at devmishok@gmail.com. You can also connect with him on LinkedIn